Awarded a three-year postdoc!

I am very happy to announce that last week the Swedish Research Council awarded me a SEK 3,150,000 grant to do a three-year postdoc in the Cresko Lab at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Oregon. I will dive into the world of syngnathid fish and explore the development and the evolution of the snouts of pipefish and seahorses, learning a whole bunch of new methods along the way. I very much look forward to joining Bill and his lab in 2017! I also look forward to seeing the efforts of Bill and colleagues turn into reality, with UO’s recently presented plans for the new Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact. Check out the presentation, featuring Bill and others.

Double-stained skull of a gulf pipefish (Syngnathus scovelli), illustrating the elongated snout of syngnathids. Image from the Cresko Lab, staining and photography by Mark Currey.

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