Book chapters


Fjeldså J, Christidis L, Ericson PGP, Stervander M, Ohlson JI, Alström P. 2020. An updated classification of passerine birds. In: Fjeldså J, Christidis L & Ericson PGP (eds). The Largest Avian Radiation: The Evolution of Perching Birds, or the Order Passeriformes (pp 45–64). Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
Stervander M, Fjeldså J, Christidis L, Ericson PGP, Ohlson JI, Alström P. 2020. An updated chronology of passerine birds. In: Fjeldså J, Christidis L & Ericson PGP (eds). The Largest Avian Radiation: The Evolution of Perching Birds, or the Order Passeriformes (pp 387–396). Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.

A review of the book can be found at The Birder’s Library.